Anne Claire Schroeder-Rose
Irmengardstr. 9
D-88213 Ravensburg
Outstanding receivables are a vexed issue. But how does it come about? The reasons are manifold. Starting with payment problems of the buyer, over purchasing strategies of large groups, over dissatisfaction of both business partners in longer projects and intransparency regarding the services, deficiencies and much more.
Finding out why the customer actually does not pay is often not that easy because it is not discussed openly. The more difficult the discussion becomes, the more interest often wanes on both sides. In this case, the customer relationship suffers, projects are not completed. The receivable is written off or the consequence is that no more business is done in certain countries or with certain customers.
Legal disputes cost time and money, in foreign legal systems many things do not make sense and you trust the lawyer, but you are never quite sure whether you have understood what it is all about.
From my many years of experience I know that TALKING CAN BE TIRED, but ALWAYS LEADS TO A GOOD RESULT. You just need to know HOW.